Happy New Year to all bitcoiners…

· 1 min read
Happy New Year to all bitcoiners…

Happy New Year to all bitcoiners and advocates of #freedom of expression! One of my resolutions this year is to not feed the beast.

In the EU, the new #MiCA laws are merely a step toward limiting our freedoms, more restrictions will come. It is our choice to either submit and comply or to opt out and establish a parallel society of free individuals who answer to no one.
#Bitcoin is under attack, as are we, those who use this wonderful creation. P2P, Lightning, mixing pools are our weapons, but it is not enough. To make them obsolete, we need to increase the pool of those who do not interact with the system under their control. #OptOut of fiat, if you have the opportunity, do not use their corrupt system, think and act in Bitcoin, not in fiat.

Regarding freedom of expression, our tyrants have thought of something even more evil.
The European Commission wants to eliminate chat encryption and to monitor all chat messages of citizens. This is Orwellian-level surveillance. Those who only submits without responding in any way is implicitly an accomplice who assists them in their dirty purpose. #Nostr can be our answer in the fight against the tyranny. Kudos to all those who build new things here, your support is invaluable. 🙏

2025 must be a year in which the fight of the advocates of freedom intensifies, we must not sleep while the beast works. ✌️